
A groups helps to gain access to resources for some users. As long as a user is in a group he/she can access all protected content.

Sentc provides simple checks for your backend to see if a user is in a group. Just link resources with the group.

Create a group

Call createGroup() from the User object after logging in a user.

//the user obj from login
const group_id = await user.createGroup();

When you use your own backend, make a POST request to our API ( from your backend. Don't forget to include the Authorization header with the JWT.

Fetch a group

To access the data of a group, a user can fetch them from the API. To fetch a group, use the group ID as a parameter. This returns a group object that can be used for all group-related actions.

//the user obj from login
const group = await user.getGroup(group_id);

Get all groups

To retrieve all group IDs where the user is a member, use this function:

//the user obj from login
const groups = await user.getGroups();

The groups are an array and each item is from type GroupList

interface GroupList
	group_id: string,
	time: number,
	joined_time: number,
	rank: number,
	parent?: string

To fetch more groups use pagination and pass in the last fetched item:

const last_item = groups[groups.length - 1];

//the user obj from login
const groups_page_two = await user.getGroups(last_item);

Group rank

The user's rank in a group determines their level of access. An administrator or creator has full control, while a regular member may have limited privileges such as being unable to accept join requests. Ranks are assigned as numbers ranging from 0 to 4

  • 0 is the creator of a group and has full control
  • 1 is an administrator and has nearly full control, except for removing the creator
  • 2 can manage users: accept join requests, send invites, change user ranks (up to rank 2), and remove group members (with a rank of 2 or lower)
  • 3 and 4 are normal user ranks. A new member is automatically assigned rank 4. Rank 3 can be used for other actions, such as content management.

To change a user's rank, you need the Sentc API user ID and assign a new rank number:

//we set the rank to 2 here
await group.updateRank("internal_user_id", 2);

If you have your own backend and want to change a user's rank using a secret token, use this function to obtain the input data for the API. To change the rank, make a PUT request to the following URL with the group ID and the input data from your backend:<the_group_id>/change_rank

//we set the rank to 2 here
const input = await group.prepareUpdateRank("internal_user_id", 2);

See more at own backend

Invite more user

There are two methods to add more users to a group: by invitation or by join request.

Invite a user

Inviting a user is done by a group administrator (ranks 0-2) to a non-group member. The non-group member can choose to accept or reject the invitation.

Optional, a rank can be set for the invited user.

await group.invite("internal_user_id");

//with optional rank, in this case rank 1
await group.invite("internal_user_id", 1);

A user can get invites by fetching invites or from init the client.

const invites = await user.getGroupInvites();

The invites are an array and each item is from type GroupInviteListItem

interface GroupInviteListItem
	group_id: string,
	time: number

To fetch more invites just pass in the last fetched item from the function:

const last_item = invites[invites.length - 1];

const invites = await user.getGroupInvites(last_item);

To accept an invitation as user call his function with the group id to accept:

The group id can be got from the GroupInviteListItem

await user.acceptGroupInvite("group_id");

Or reject the invite

The group id can be got from the GroupInviteListItem

await user.rejectGroupInvite("<group_id>");

Join request

A non-group member can request to join a group by calling this function. A group administrator can choose to accept or reject the request.

await user.groupJoinRequest("<group_id>");

To fetch the join requests as a group admin use this function:

const req = await group.getJoinRequests();

The requests are an array and each item is from type GroupJoinReqListItem

interface GroupJoinReqListItem
	user_id: string,
	time: number

To fetch more requests just pass in the last fetched item from the function:

const last_item = req[req.length - 1];

const req = await group.getJoinRequests(last_item);

A group admin can accept the request like this:

The user id can get from the GroupJoinReqListItem.

await group.acceptJoinRequest("user_id");

//with optional rank, in this case rank 1
await group.acceptJoinRequest("user_id", 1);

Or reject it:

The user id can get from the GroupJoinReqListItem.

await group.rejectJoinRequest("user_id");

A user can fetch the sent join requests:

interface GroupInviteListItem
	group_id: string,
    time: number

const list: GroupInviteListItem[] = await user.sentJoinReq();

//to load more use the last item of the pre fetch
const list_page_two: GroupInviteListItem[] = await user.sentJoinReq(list[list.length -1]);

A user can also delete an already sent join request. The group id can be fetched from the sentJoinReq() function.

await user.deleteJoinReq("<group_id>");

Auto invite

A group administrator can use this function to automatically invite and accept a non-group member, without requiring any additional actions from the new member.

await group.inviteAuto("user_id");

Stop invite

Calling this function will prevent non-group members from sending join requests and group administrators from inviting more users. This feature can be useful for one-on-one user sessions. After automatically inviting the other user, you can use this function to close the invitation process.

await group.stopInvites();

Get group member

The fetch uses pagination to not fetch all members at once.

const members = await group.getMember();

Members are an array and each item is from type GroupUserListItem.

interface GroupUserListItem 
	user_id: string,
	rank: number,
	joined_time: number,

To fetch more use the last fetched member item:

Members are from type GroupUserListItem.

const last_item = members[members.length -1];

const members_page_two = await group.getMember(last_item);

Delete group member

A group member with a rank higher than 2 (0, 1, 2) can use this function to delete another member with the same or lower rank. However, a member cannot delete themselves using this function.

await group.kickUser("internal_user_id");

Leave a group

Every member can leave a group except the creator.

await group.leave();

Parent and child group

A group can be set as a child of a parent group, creating a hierarchical structure of groups. All members of the parent group are automatically granted access to the child group(s) with the same rank as in the parent group. When a new member joins the parent group, they are automatically added as a member to all child groups. Multiple child groups can also be created:

    child from parent
        child from child from parent
            child from child from parent
    child from parent

To create a child group just call group create in the parent group not in the user scope

const group_id = await group.createChildGroup();

//get the group from a user, if not loaded, the parent group will be loaded automatically
const group = await user.getGroup(group_id);

//or get it from the parent group
const group_from_parent = await group.getChildGroup(group_id);

To get all children of the first level use the getChildren() function in the group object.

It returns a List with the child group id, the child group created time and the parent id.

const children: GroupChildrenListItem[] = await group.getChildren();

//to get the 2nd page pass in the last child
const children_page_two: GroupChildrenListItem[] = await group.getChildren(children[children.length -1]);

Connected groups

A group can also be a member in another group which is not a child of this group. Connected groups can also have children or be a child of a parent. Groups with access to the connected group got also access to all the child groups. A connected group can't be member in another group, so only normal groups can be a member in a connected group. Normal groups can't have other groups as member except their child groups.

A connected group can be created from a normal group.

const group_id = await group.createConnectedGroup();

To fetch the connected group you can either fetch it from the group or from the user. From user requires the group id which was connected to the connected group.

// from the group
const connected_group = await group.getConnectedGroup(connected_group_id);

//from the user, the group id is needed
const connected_group_by_user = await user.getGroup(connected_group_id, group_id);

When accessing a child group of a connected group, make sure to load the parent group first which is connected to the user group.

To get all connected groups to a group use the getGroups() function in the group object. It returns a List of groups with the group id and the group created time.

const connected_groups: GroupList[] = await group.getGroups();

//to get the next pages, use the last item.
const connected_groups_page_two: GroupList[] = await group.getGroups(connected_groups[connected_groups.length-1]);

Like users, groups can also send join requests to connected groups.

await group.groupJoinRequest("<group_id>");

Groups can also fetch the sent join requests.

const list: GroupInviteListItem[] = await group.sentJoinReq();

//to load more use the last item of the pre fetch
const list_page_two: GroupInviteListItem[] = await group.sentJoinReq(list[list.length -1]);
interface GroupInviteListItem
	group_id: string,
    time: number

A group can also delete an already sent join request. The group id can be fetched from the sentJoinReq() function.

await group.deleteJoinReq("<group_id>");

Child groups vs connected groups, when use what?

The problem with child groups is that it is a fixed structure and can't be changed in the future.

A connected group can be helpfully if you want to give a group (and all its parents) access to another group (and all its children). This can be used to connect resources and users together, e.g.:

  • user in department groups (hr, marketing, development)
  • resources like customer, employee data, devops secrets
  • let dev manager access group employee data and devops secrets and marketing access customer.
  • Inside each department group there are multiple child groups for each sub department. If the manger is in the parent group, he/she can access every subgroup

The recommended approach is to use normal groups for user and connected groups for resources.

    child from parent                       -->              connected group
        child from child from parent                           child from connected group
            child from child from parent
    child from parent

Delete a group

Only the creator (rank 0) or the admins (rank 1) can delete a group.

await group.deleteGroup();

Backend endpoints

To create and delete groups from your backend the jwt of the creator is always required. If the jwt is not available in some situations you can use the following endpoints to call it with your secret token.

  • Deleting a group with a delete request:<group_id_to_delete
    • This endpoint will delete the group
  • Creating a group with a post request:<creator_user_id>/light
    • This endpoint will return the group_id
  • Creating a child group with a post request:<creator_user_id>/<parent_group_id>/child/light
  • Create a connected group with a post request:<creator_user_id>/<connected_group_id>/connected/light
  • Add a user to the group:<creator_user_id>/<group_id>/invite_auto/<user_id_to_invite>/light (post request)
  • Add a group to the group:<creator_user_id>/<group_id>/invite_auto/<user_id_to_invite>/group_light (post request)
  • Kick a user from the group:<creator_user_id>/<group_id>/kick/<user_id_to_kick> (delete request)
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